Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Touchdown in Chicago

Waiting in the terminal for my 1 am flight. I think I finally have jitters. I think I'm just tired. Right now, it's almost 11pm Eastern time, but with the last flight, I was time traveling and it's now 9:45pm. I don't even know what to do with myself. It's kind of hitting me right now, as I type this, that I'm starting over, with a clean slate. Everything is new, and it's just God and me. Whew. He's going to give me strength to do this.

I don't think I'm even writing anything cohesive, I'm so overwhelmed. But I'm playing it cool. Chillin' near the electric outlets so my computer won't die.


  1. You are so amazing! I know the Lord has great things in store! Praying for safety as you continue your travels.

  2. Grace - thank you for your prayers and encouraging words!! I love you. When is that baby due?
