Friday, March 4, 2011


...Can you help me unravel my latest mistake?"

Yep. I woke up at about 1:30am because my fever broke and I'm sweating up a storm. I just realized that I voluntarily used the word "unravel" in my blog. What is going on. I must be really delirious. For those that know me, you might remember that "unravel" is a huge pet peeve of mine because its redundancy. To ravel something is to take apart. You can't un-ravel anything, because what you actually mean is to put it together. It's like the word "irregardless." It should never be used and shouldn't exist.

I'm feeling a little better since my fever is down. Who knows how I'll feel in a couple of days. Don't you hate being sick and wondering if you'll ever feel normal again? Perhaps I shouldn't complain. I have a mom and sister that have battled Mycoplasma Pneumonia for several years. It has caused them much pain and many sleepless nights. Mom, Ashley - here's me getting a little closer to understanding the magnitude of pain you've been in.

I have nothing much else to say. I'm truly sorry that the extent of my day has been in this apartment, or the hospital, without much to entertain with.


  1. I felt a tug on the umbilical chord. I knew something was up. Get better Jane!!!!
