Monday, December 13, 2010

Last night was Winter Formal - the last one of my college career. I wasn't sure that I would go, because I tend to stir up drama amongst the drama department (ironic, I know,) without even meaning to. I have this one ex-bofyfriend, who has had this girlfriend for about a year. Now, I honestly don't have anything against him or her, but I like to make jokes at their expense because they really are ridiculous. I wish I could explain just how hilarious the two of them are...but that is unnecessary. I guess the main, tiny chip on my shoulder comes from how he told me so many lovely things while we were together and they were all lies. I was extremely hurt at the time we parted ways, but now I just make jokes.

I say all of that, because I suppose I've given his girlfriend a little incentive to harass me. She younger and not very intelligent, but I do commend her gumption. On many occasions, she has approached me, wishing to "talk" because we obviously needed to "work something out." Buuuhhh. It gets rather annoying, because I'm always looking over my shoulder and wondering what new thing she wants to "talk" about. Like I said, I tend to create drama - and most of the time, it's totally unwarranted.

Although my ex-boyfriend graduated from this school last year, he still finds a way to make it to every social function going on here. I knew that they were going to be in attendance and wasn't crazy about being in a party situation, where I would likely be dragged away by the new girlfriend and be made to participate in her kum-bay-a. Which is strange, really. I mean, she's my ex's girlfriend. I have nothing against the girl, but I think I have every right to not want to hang out with her. One time, she texted me and poured her heart out, saying how she wanted to be friends. I believe that this was a result of being loopy from her wisdom teeth procedure medication, because after that day, she never acknowledged me in public. When I tried to return her texts with a phone call, asking why she didn't just speak to me instead of blowing up my phone with texts, I got her voicemail because she "had gauze in her mouth and couldn't talk." It's really cute, that age.

I was also apprehensive to be around a few other enemies (all of which transcended from being my ex's then-girlfriend, or they resulted when we were no longer together.) As you can tell, dating him was the best decision of my life.

I am glad to say that I didn't make any snarky jokes during Winter Formal. I kept mouth shut and was drama-free! I was so pleased to be around my friends and enjoy one last party.

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