Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I took an energetic walk in the woods this morning. No, not on the same trail where I accidentally gave an old man a Thanksgiving peep show (that's another story - see but another that runs behind my parents' neighborhood.

There were random clumps of dirty snow in the shady parts of the woods. It was mostly quiet, except for the sound of my traipsing about. A creek crept along nearby. I really love just walking by myself.

I thought I would pray and listen for God. I was hesitant to pray out loud, because with my luck, someone would happen upon me while I was babbling and then I would be thoroughly embarrassed. However, it was just quiet enough in the woods that I could hear my thoughts.

I asked God, "Show me something - say anything you want...!" I'm ashamed to say that I don't often sit still in His presence and wait for His voice. I make the excuse of having too much to do.

So I sat. And waited. Not very long either - which is good for my short attention span. "Bridge." God told me "Bridge."

I'm not really sure what He means. I mean, I know basically, generally what it means. I'm about to go to South Korea. I will be building a bridge to connect my life here in the states to my new life in SK. I'll help in the "construction" of a bridge for others to know Christ. Hopefully, I will remain strong in Him and be a light.

God, show me what to do.

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