Friday, February 10, 2012

3 weeks

 It snowed the other evening. Snow never sticks around for very long. The days are usually sunny and melt it away. This is the view from my window.
 On my way to work one morning. The construction has been never-ending.
 Some mischievous boys chasing each other in the street. 
 A glance behind me as I walk to work.
 Alex. A little blurry because he's difficult to pin down. He makes jokes and speaks in one-word sentences because he's too lazy to say a complete thought. Look at those shifty eyes...what a booger.
 Maxadillion. This guy is the best little student. Always ready with the correct answer. Sweet, affectionate, likes to make all his friends laugh, always laughing himself.
 Izzy. She has a chipmunk-y voice and a thick tongue while speaking. A bit difficult to understand because she takes a while finding the right words, but still very cute.
 Jonathan. Actually his name is Johnny and one day I called him that to irk him. His face doesn't always display the correct emotion. This is supposed to be a happy smile here, but I think it comes across as threatening ^_^
 There's his normal, inquisitive face
 Sandy-dandy! My smart girl. She's a mouth, bossy, a leader, a fun, kind kid. I love her.
 Mr. zen Sun. We always sing "Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun..." at him. He likes to surprise us once in a while by being goofy, but he's mostly solemn and pensive.
 The giggly girl. Candy-dandy. She doesn't talk as much as she ought. She knows a lot more English than she lets on. Sometimes, a thought will strike her and she'll chatter away, usually when I'm too busy to listen. I have to stop myself and try to take in the chatty moments.
 The most surprising thing about Jade is her deep voice. I think she has the most beautiful eyes. She is so loving, always hugging onto my legs. I wish she would speak more because she has a fun personality. I think she doesn't talk because she's shy and can't find the words in her small vocabulary.
 Christina. The beauty queen. Oh gracious, she's going to be a heart-breaker someday. She has such a tender heart. The other day, she was being a little too helpful and trying to get everyone in line - only she was pushing everybody. As punishment, she had to sit out of one run-through of graduation practice. She sat in a chair, facing everyone, just crushed that she couldn't join in on the dancing. After it was over, I went to talk to her and she crumbled. Poor thing; she feels so deeply. I think I can understand that about her because I'm the same way...
 Jake-a-doo! My newest student. He was living in America for two years so he's a little prodigy, speaking fluent "American." It was shocking at first to listen to him speak next to my "Korean" students. Shy at first, but as you can tell by the smirk, he's a goober.
 David-dee. He's finally talking. When he first arrived, he barely any English. He couldn't form the words. Now, his favorite joke is to tell me how big my bum is. Seriously. It's an everyday occurrence. 

Second-to-the-newest. I think Bryan arrived in November. He quickly blended in with my class. He's a bit rambunctious for my taste, but he's a sweet boy. Always, I'm reprimanding, "Bryan, sit down." "Bryan, sit still." "Please be quiet, Bryan." He likes to talk over me when I'm giving a lesson.'s an example of his behavior. 
 Alex, realized that I was taking a picture and wanted to show off his best side.
 Looks sneaky, yes? Those eyes...haha
Pretty girl.

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