Friday, November 18, 2011


I'm finding that the weekends are so delightful. I sleep in, wherever I go (and by sleeping in, I mean until 9 am,) and have the whole two days to spend them however I choose. It's so nice to not be required to be here or there and get paid for it. All that to say, I find myself once again in Jinju (thanks KatieMichael!), relaxing on a hazy morning, catching up with myself. Throughout the week, I go so quickly during the day - everything is about teaching, prepping classwork, rushing to school, then rushing home to get in some free time, only to sleep and be at school again early the next day. So. Worn. Out. Yes, weekends are glorious.

I've been inspired recently to play/sing/write again. It's so nice, not having the obligation of NaNoWriMo, and I resurrected some songs that I wrote years ago. Since the weather is getting cooler, and I'll find myself indoors most of the time, and I would like to spend it playing music - - but I would like to play somewhere, rather than just in my room. So, foreigners in Gwangju, please comment and let me know where (in the downtown/Juweol-dong/Bongseon-dong neighborhoods) I could play. Thank you :-)

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