Saturday, November 26, 2011

Korean-style Thanksgiving

I haven't any pictures of last night's feast, but I can say that it was a success. So many people were crammed into a friend's apartment (which in the end, didn't feel too cramped because she has a living room, a kitchen and two bedrooms) and everyone brought some kind of food to share. I made stuffing - because no Thanksgiving meal is complete without it - and deviled eggs. And I was so proud! My mom gave me the recipe for the stuffing, which incidentally isn't rocket science, so I think it turned out alright. It was strange being away from my family for this holiday, and I know that Christmas will be weirder x23430958986. It's ok though. God is constant throughout.

This morning I'll go back to church - I've not been in three weeks, yikes! I've been traveling to Jinju a lot to visit my friends, KatieMichael. They are wonderful and every spare weekend I've had, I've wanted to see them. Now, I can feel the deadline for leaving Korea creeping closer and I'm wanted to enjoy every minute of my own city. Honestly, I don't want to leave. I feel like I'm not done here. There are still things to do and ways for me to grow. I know in the beginning I was saying things like, "I can't imagine wanting to stay here longer than a year...!" The idea of staying for my whole contract period was daunting. Of course those words would come back to bite me; and here I am! Finally feeling comfortable, finally able to communicate with Korea on a basic, basic, basic, level, finally feeling that I have a purpose. After these three months are gone, I know I'll experience re-entry shock, and feelings of being useless. God, I want to be used! I've been trying to pray for specific direction. As it is, I feel like I'm being tossed in the wind. I have ideas of what I could be doing for God, but I don't know how to go about putting those into action. Specificity. That's what I want. And discernment and wisdom. Please, God, please. I don't want to leave Korea without a clear direction.

1 comment:

  1. it's been incredible "watching" your journey... I can't wait to see what the next leg of it is
