Oh, I've been so remiss in posting. I wish that I could be more motivated to share my thoughts and ideas this month. I feel like I've been cheating this blog out of some juicy details.
Ok, so nothing spectacular has been going on. October flew past. It's kind of shocking how quickly it went. Now I have month-whiplash. November kicked off with a Halloween day at LCI, complete with a haunted house and no classes (that was a nice reprieve,) and National Novel Writing Month, or whatever it's called. I don't consider myself a writer in the least, or I never thought I was because no one said I could. I mean, yeah, I can write. I've written songs. And some random ridiculous poems. I guess. I got through university with A's in English composition classes. And my students think I'm a good story-teller. My grammar and sentence structure on this blog is atrocious, so don't judge by what you read here! This is where I'm allowed to let it hang loose.
So I thought, "Why the heck not?" and dove into November 1st with 2,000+ words. The goal is to finish 50,000 words or more by the end of the month. We'll see if I have the endurance. I very much doubt that I'll want to write even more on this blog, with having to crank out 1,500 a day for the novel challenge. Or maybe, writing is like an appetite: the more you feed yourself, the more you want to eat, and your metabolism picks up speed and takes over...?
My birthday is in a week. I will be 23. I don't even know what age I feel anymore. At times I think that I'm still 16 and what am I doing in Korea living by myself, out from under the constant care of my parents? Other times I feel about 86 and what's the point of this life? I don't mean that in a morbid way. Just contemplating life and deciding what am I going to devote it to. It's so short and shouldn't be wasted.
Writing is like an appetite.