Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I happen to have a lovely kind of virus, which I don't mind sharing, even though it has severely negative connotations: Herpes Simplex 1.

This means I have outbreaks on my face (and only my face, thank you), including my left nostril, eyebrow and eyelid. I find it unfortunate that I have to live with this for the rest of my life, but it is a cross I must bear. I should look on the bright side: I suppose I could have had the other kind of herpes...

Also, when I have an outbreak, it is usually caused by either too much sugar, stress, sun, or lack of sleep. I guess I've been extremely stressed lately, with graduating and my life changing forever and all.

Oh, and I should mention that most outbreaks include a massive migraine on the back, left part of my skull? This is because the virus has nestled itself into the nerves back there and flares up to imitate what's going on with my face. Pounding, piercing pain - like a knife plunged into my brain and some phantom hand is twisting it clockwise every few minutes.

Aspirin and famvir are my best friends right now.

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