I'm sitting here with my roommate, watching The Fellowship of the Ring, the extended version. I love these movies. I remember when they came out in theatres. I don't know where my 12-year-old self scrounged up the money, but I saw the first movie in theatres three times. That's not cheap, man.
I'm not quite sure how to define this place in my life. On the brink of graduation, I still have classes until next Tuesday and then exams for another couple of weeks. It's quite tantalizing. I'm stressed and anxious, but strangely calm right now. I have several projects due beginning next Tuesday - most I have finished, but many will take just plain "doing," (i.e. tech performances, a French 1001 speaking exam and a portfolio presentation.)
I've gone back and forth between fear and excitement. Fear of the unknown and being tossed out in the world, without the safety of a student's schedule and expenses; and excitement for moving on, moving forward, and starting over with my life. I will continue living in ___ville with my roommate, because I have a lease to uphold and it beats trying to transition living at home with the parents. I don't want to be that student. The one that never leaves the town where she attended college. I have an ex-boyfriend that did that. He graduated and is still. Hanging. Around. Buhhh.
When my friends ask if I'm living here next semester, I can't help but wonder if their excitement now will morph to annoyance later.
It's almost all over. All of it. My whole undergrad career. I have been in college classes since I was 16 (long story short, I'm amazingly intelligent, skipped third grade and was dually enrolled in college while still in high school,) - - all that to say, I'm thoroughly tired of school. It's about time it's over.
now I thoroughly cannot keep my eyes open. Au revior.
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