Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm only good at being young

My face is a pizza and has been for about three months straight. I'm sick of covering up with makeup. I'm sick of breaking out and never having a reprieve. I WANT MY SKIN BACK. Not this porous wasteland of a face.

I really, really, really don't know what to do. I have not changed my eating habits since I arrived. The only difference is the excessive haze/pollution and showering with Korea water.

alsdkjflsdkjf;lskjdf;lkjd; lkj;lj BLEEAHHhhhhhahhHHHHhhhhh


  1. Drinking enough water? I chug 32 oz of water first thing when I wake up every morning and try to make my way through six bottles before the day is over. That and not picking at my skin has afforded a nice texture, but it takes time.

    Also, you might try vinegar tea: a couple teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in the bottom of a mug followed by a few squirts of honey... fill to the top with boiling water and stir. I drink this fairly often. It sounds weird but I actually like the taste of it now. Great for skin, good for a sore throat or settling the stomach.
